
Ealixir Foundation deletes compromising videos or images online

Ealixir Foundation provides it technology and its team of highly qualified professionals, anonymously and free of charge, in order to eliminate harmful content from the web that damages the online reputation and social image of those who do not have economic possibilities.

 Ealixir Foundation deletes compromising videos or images (the so-called revenge porn cases) online. Their dissemination can cause serious inconveniences and terrible consequences, including suicide, as recent reports have confirmed. 

Ealixir complies to a strict ethical code.


The Ealixir Foundation, thanks to a team of highly qualified professional, provides its technology in order to eliminate violent content from the web anonymously and free of charge.

Ealixir Foundation deletes videos, images, compromising links on the net, which dissemination could cause inconvenience or represent forms of threat.

If you are a victim of:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Cyberstalking
  • Non-consensual pornography (NCP): revenge porn, sextortion, deepfake porn

You can write to 

In case you need free legal help you will be put in touch with an expert.

In case you need help from a psychological point of view you will be punt in touch with specific organizations, free of charge.